Welcome to the definitive guide on pet turf installation! If you’re a pet owner looking to transform your yard into a pet-friendly paradise, you’ve come to the right place. At Turft, we understand the unique needs of pet owners and are committed to providing high-quality, durable, and safe artificial turf solutions that both you and your furry friends will love.

What is Pet Turf?

Pet turf is a specialized type of artificial grass designed to withstand the wear and tear that comes with having pets. Unlike regular synthetic turf, pet turf is engineered to be more robust, easy to clean, and safe for your pets. It’s an ideal solution for those who want a low-maintenance, mud-free yard that looks great all year round.

Why Choose Pet Turf?


Pets can be tough on natural grass, leading to mud patches, discoloration, and bare spots. Pet turf, however, is built to withstand heavy use. It’s made from high-quality materials that resist wear and tear, ensuring longevity even in high-traffic areas.


One of the biggest concerns for pet owners is cleanliness. Pet turf is designed with drainage systems that allow urine to pass through easily, preventing odor buildup. Additionally, it can be cleaned with simple rinsing and occasional enzyme-based cleaners, making it easier to maintain a hygienic environment for your pets.


Safety is another critical factor. Pet turf is made from non-toxic materials and often includes an anti-bacterial component to minimize the risk of infections. Its soft texture is gentle on paws, reducing the likelihood of injuries.

Key Considerations for Pet Turf Installation

Base Preparation

Proper base preparation is crucial for a successful pet turf installation. The base should be leveled and compacted to ensure the turf lies flat and drains correctly. This involves removing any existing grass and debris, followed by laying a layer of crushed rock or gravel.

Turf Selection

Choosing the right turf is essential. Look for products specifically labeled as “pet-friendly” or “pet turf.” These options are designed to handle the unique challenges that come with having pets, such as digging and frequent running.

Infill Material

Infill can help support the turf blades and improve drainage. In most simple residential installations, it is useful to install an infilled turf because of our drain tile system. When there are many pets, or in a commercial install, using a non-infill turf is sometimes the better option to be able to evacuate wastes faster and more completely.

Securing the Turf

Properly securing the turf to the ground is essential to prevent it from being pulled up by playful pets. Use heavy-duty stakes or nails around the perimeter and at key intervals across the surface.

Drainage System

A good drainage system is vital for pet turf to prevent puddles and odor buildup. Ensure that the turf has multiple drainage holes and is installed in a way that allows water and urine to flow away efficiently.

Why Hire Professional Turf Installers?

While it might be tempting to take on the project yourself, hiring professional turf installers offers numerous advantages:

Expertise and Experience

Professional installers have years of experience and know-how to handle the intricacies of pet turf installation. They understand the importance of proper base preparation, turf selection, and drainage systems, ensuring a flawless finish.

Quality Assurance

When you hire professionals, you can be assured of the quality of materials and workmanship. Companies like TurfT offer warranties on their products and services, giving you peace of mind.

Time and Cost Efficiency

DIY projects often end up taking longer and costing more than anticipated. Professionals come equipped with the right tools and skills to complete the job efficiently, saving you both time and money.

Long-Term Results

A professionally installed pet turf is more likely to stand the test of time. Proper installation minimizes the risk of issues like poor drainage, uneven surfaces, and premature wear, ensuring your yard remains beautiful and functional for years to come.

Let’s Talk

Investing in pet turf installation is a smart move for any pet owner looking to create a durable, hygienic, and safe outdoor space. While it’s possible to undertake this project yourself, hiring professional turf installers like those at Turft ensures that the job is done correctly, efficiently, and to the highest standards.

Ready to transform your yard? Contact us today for more information and to schedule your pet turf installation.